A successful marketing plan depends on the ability to differentiate your business from your competitors.
The thing that makes your business different is usually the thing that makes it memorable in the minds of your prospects and customers.
Memorable is good when it comes to marketing. This is why you need a USP for your business.
A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the thing that sets you apart from your competition. Your company’s USP will guide all your marketing efforts including taglines, slogans and branding.
But what if what makes you special isn’t unique? It’s a valuable feature — perhaps your prices are low — but you’re not the only one with low prices.
Here’s the truth: most USPs aren’t truly unique. They usually address one of the four most common features consumers care about: quality, affordability, reliability and convenience.
Yet it’s totally possible to use a common benefit or even a small advantage to set your product above and apart.
As long as you don’t make wildly inaccurate claims, you can promote a value you have in common with other businesses, by showcasing it in a unique way.
You don’t have to say, “These are the tastiest.” Your USP can say it for you: “Betcha can’t eat just one.”
Are Energizer batteries longer-lasting than Eveready? Probably not. But when I think of Energizer batteries I think of the bunny that never stops drumming. When I think durable batteries, I think Energizer batteries.
It’s not so much what your USP is, it’s how you say it.