Susana Crofton

Troubled girl's hands

On Loss

Today I was thinking about my losses.

We all have losses, don’t we?

Some are relatively painless to reflect on. Being rejected by a lover five years ago no longer has the sting it did then. 

Other losses are a well of sadness that will never run dry. 

On occasion my mind returns to these. The irrevocable losses. Losses that altered the course of my life, taking with them some most precious thing.

Every once in a while, less often eventually, their memory returns like an unwelcome visitor. And then all I can do is cry.

I cry and I wallow. What else can you do with your heartbreaking, uninvited memories?

After I’ve cried I slide back into my present life and live it. I recognize all the good that’s there. Some of that good inadvertently brought on by loss.

I reflect on how we cycle through. How light turns to dark and then light again. How we must stay agile and honest and real.

Because when it’s light we must revel.

And when it’s dark then we must surely cry.