A homepage is more than just a pretty face.
Yes, you want a homepage with cool images; complementary colors and readable typography.
But your homepage’s job description doesn’t end there.
The key duty of any high-functioning homepage is conversion. Whether it’s getting email addresses; selling a plan; or scheduling a consultation, getting the reader to take a next step is your homepage’s raison d’être. This is referred to as the call to action.
Decide on the call to action, or CTA, early and commit to it. It doesn’t have to be a permanent decision, but you should have only one CTA per page — unless it’s an e-commerce site or a blog, in which case there would be multiple next steps for a visitor to choose from.
Whether you want your reader to purchase a plan or sign up for a newsletter, use engaging copy and captivating images to highlight all the benefits, features and social proof they need to take that next step.
The CTA is represented visually by a link in the text or, more often, a button.
Your CTA button is the most important element on your homepage.
A click on that button begins a relationship with a new lead or client.
The CTA button must be easy for your readers to find and use.
Use attention-getting color or design; persuasive copy; and strategic placement to make your CTA button obvious and inviting.
Support your CTA with visual and copy elements and you’ll be rewarded with greater reader engagement and increased business.